Sunday, May 30, 2010

Toaster Vs Us.

And so the majority of Biastes decide to go to Sean's place for Mahjong where Erica, Jabez and I decide to catch a movie, today was a day we all concluded on how totally ingenious firemen we were. Story goes like this, erica decides to toast us some nice waffles, and while me and jabez were cleaning the air-con filter in my room. Oh and did i forget to tell you the toasters screwed? We'll everything blacked out, and then i asked myself, " do aircon's make blackout? oh, the toaster."

I rushed to switch the lights back on at the main circuit and jabez plugs out the main plug of the toaster. As depicted in pictures, it was on fire. On the inside. We stood there for 20secs wondering what to do, thank god it wasnt a real fire cause if it was, 20 secs would be more than enough having the fire dept. below my flat.

Jabez to Caleb : "Uh, caleb what to do ah?"
Caleb : I dunno leh i think we should throw water into it.
Erica : (giggling and getting amazed at fire)
Jabez: But its electrical
Caleb: ok, i pick it up with mittens and we put on floor, then we cover with something so no more oxygen to burn.

And thats what we tried to do, apparently waffles were on fire, and when we took all the effort, waffles burnt into char-ffle, and fire died by itself. Tai Bang Ler

Saturday, May 29, 2010